Ghostware GTA

Premium TV Devices

We are always improving, the amazing tech greatness we already have. Ghostware, also pride's itself with after purchase support and updates.

laptop computers on top of table
laptop computers on top of table

Anti-mess firmware

If programs should be deleted, or if you have problems. Run two programs to get updated.

Ghost App Store

Access to our own custom app store. Where you can update, remove or install apps.

OTA update

Over The Air Updates when security issues or bugs need to be fixed

Customer Support

With over 50 rep's worldwide, you will always be able to find help using our support platforms.

About our referral program.

Refer one person who then purchases a Ghostware box from me.

Refer ten people who then purchases Ghostware boxes from me.

You will receive 1 month premium Live service.

You will receive a new Ghostware box.

person holding black remote control
person holding black remote control

Get in touch

green and blue ball illustration
green and blue ball illustration